Please refer to the Registrar’s Calendar online for all dates related to the Registrar’s office.
Calendar for Department Chairs and Program Coordinators
August 11
- Deadline for petitions for non-Pomona study abroad programs for Spring 2024
August 14
- International students arrive; residence halls open for international students
August 15
- Personal statement, up-to-date curriculum vitae, publications, description of proposed Steele Fellowship project (if relevant) and other evidence due to chairs from candidates for Fall Faculty Personnel Committee reviews via upload to Watermark
- Course evaluations, student and external referee letters, and letters of information due from chairs of Fall FPC reviews to the Dean’s Office via upload to Watermark
- Suggested outside reviewer names and letter-of-information names are due to chairs from candidates for Spring Faculty Personnel Committee reviews
Mid-August to mid-September
- Recommendation: Chairs and coordinators should have a brief, informal check-in with administrative support staff who are their direct reports in preparation for the annual performance evaluation, to be completed in April. This can also take place in July, if the schedule is better.
August 17
- New students arrive; residence halls open to new students
August 20
- Save the date: New Faculty Orientation
August 21
- Save the date: Advisor Workshop
August 26
- Fall semester begins
August 27
- Convocation, 11:00 am, Little Bridges
Before September 1
- Notification due to Faculty Position Advisory Committee of intent to submit proposal for a faculty position
- Program coordinators must inform the FPAC between spring break and September 1 if they intend to submit a proposal to convert the program into a department
September 2
- Labor Day observed (staff and instructional holiday)
- Deadline for applications for Trinity College Dublin, IFSA Study Abroad, and DIS Study Abroad, Copenhagen for Spring 2024
September 3
- Deadline for coursework for approved Spring 2024 incompletes to be submitted to instructors unless another deadline was approved
- Deadline for independent study proposals for Fall 2024
September 5
- Chairs’ Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Smith Campus Center 208
September 8
- Applications due for remaining Study Abroad Approved Programs and all Programs by Petition
September 9
- Deadline for students to add a course
September 12
- Faculty Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Rose Hills Theatre
September 15
- Departmental recommendation letter for Fall FPC cases due to Dean of the College Office via Watermark (hard copy to follow soon thereafter)
- Candidates’ publications and related items for examination by outside reviewers due to review chairs for Spring FPC reviews
September 16
- Requests for non-standard course times for Spring 2025 due to the Registrar’s Office
September 22
- Chair and other department members participating in a reappointment, tenure, and/or promotion review each submit a confidential individual letter to the Dean of the College expressing their views of the case
September 23
- Blue Room Talk, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Frank Dining Hall Blue Room
September 26
- Chairs Development, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Alexander Hall Holmes Room
October 1
- Completed proposals for faculty positions due to Faculty Position Advisory Committee (FPAC)
- Completed proposals for conversion of a program to a department due to Faculty Position Advisory Committee (FPAC)
- Deadline for submission of requests for temporary faculty for academic year 2025-26 to the Dean’s Office
October 7
- Deadline for submission of applications for sabbatical leaves and subventions and leaves-without-pay for the academic year 2024-25 (with supporting letters from department chairs) via Qualtrics issued from Associate Dean Marks
October 10
- Faculty Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Edmunds Ballroom
Mid-October to mid-November
- Recommendation: Chairs and coordinators should have a brief, informal check-in with administrative support staff who are their direct reports in preparation for the annual performance evaluation, to be completed in April. This can also take place in December if the schedule is better.
October 14 - 15
- Fall break
October 16
- Deadline for fall submission of General Research Fund grant proposals exceeding $1,000, and fall submission of Sontag Fellowship proposals, both via SM Apply
October 17
- Deadline for students to drop a course
- Chairs’ Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Smith Campus Center 208
October 21
- Deadline for submission of applications for Downing Exchange via SM Apply
- Blue Room Talk, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Frank Dining Hall Blue Room
October 24
- Chairs Development, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Alexander Hall Holmes Room
October 28
- Deadline for submission of temporary faculty evaluations to the Associate Dean De Pace
October 30
- DOC Speaker Series, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Frank Dining Hall Blue Room
November 1
- Suggested deadline for soliciting letters of evaluation from students for candidates up for Spring FPC review
November 1 – 2
- Family Weekend
November 6
- DOC Speaker Series, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Frank Dining Hall Blue Room
November 7
- Faculty Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Edmunds Ballroom
November 14
- Chairs Development, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Alexander Hall Holmes Room
November 12 – 15
- Pre-enrollment for Spring 2025 semester
November 15
- Deadline for students to withdraw from classes voluntarily
- Deadline for students to choose credit/no credit grading option
- Deadline to sign student promissory notes
November 18
- Blue Room Talk, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Frank Dining Hall Blue Room
November 20 – December 4
- Administration of teaching evaluations in all classes taught by all faculty
November 21
- Chairs’ Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Smith Campus Center 208
November 27 – December 1
- Thanksgiving recess (staff holiday begins at 3:00 pm on November 27)
December 1 – 3
- Meeting of the Cabinet to act on presidential nominations for tenure, promotion, and contract renewal, sabbatical leaves, and leaves without pay, 4:15 – 6:00 pm, Smith Campus Center 208
December 1
- Dean responds to requests for part-time and other temporary faculty for academic year 2025-26
December 2
- Deadline for submission of applications for Hirsch Research Initiation Grants to Associate Dean Marks via SM Apply
December 4
- DOC Speaker Series, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Frank Dining Hall Blue Room
December 5
- Faculty Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Edmunds Ballroom
December 5 – 6
- Reading Days
December 9 – 13
- Final examinations
December 11
- Extended Faculty Meeting, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, Edmunds Ballroom
- Pomona College Board of Trustees meets on campus to act on presidential nominations for tenure, promotion, and contract renewal
- Application portal opens for Summer Undergraduate Research Program grants via SM Apply
Mid-December to mid-January
- Chairs and coordinators should have an informal check-in with administrative support staff who are their direct reports in preparation for the annual performance evaluation in April
December 20
- Deadline for submission to Dean’s Office of operating budget, equipment and alterations, and student wage requests for fiscal year 2025-26
December 23 – January 1
- Campus closed; Staff holiday begins at 3:00 pm on December 23; Normal working hours resume January 2
January 15
- Personal statement, up-to-date curriculum vitae, publications, description of proposed Steele Fellowship project (if relevant) and other evidence due to chairs from candidates for Spring Faculty Personnel Committee reviews via upload to Watermark
- Course evaluations, student and external referee letters, and letters of information due from chairs of Spring FPC reviews to the Dean’s Office via upload to Watermark
January 20
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (staff and instructional holiday)
- Professional Activities Reports (PARs) for all regular, full-time, continuing faculty due to the Dean of the College
- Last day to request a change in an approved leave plan
Mid-January to mid-February
- Recommendation: Chairs and coordinators should have a brief, informal check-in with administrative support staff who are their direct reports in preparation for the annual performance evaluation, to be completed in April
January 17
- Deadline for submission of applications for the Faculty Fund for Collaboration and Innovation
January 21
- Spring semester begins
January 27
- Deadline for coursework for approved Fall 2024 incompletes to be submitted to instructors unless another deadline was approved
- Deadline for independent study proposals for Spring 2025
January 30
- Chairs’ Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Smith Campus Center 208
End of January
- Deadline for applications for Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) grants via SM Apply
February 1
- Departmental recommendation letter for FPC cases due to Dean of the College office
- Deadline to submit first semester departmental assessment chair’s reports on first-year faculty to Dean of the College
- Updates to ranked proposals without highest priority status must be submitted to the Faculty Position Advisory Committee
February 3
- Deadline for students to add a course
Early February
- Submit names and seminar descriptions of those who will teach Critical Inquiry Seminars in Fall 2025 to Interim Director of College Writing Jenny Thomas
February 6
- Faculty Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Edmunds Ballroom
February 8
- Chair and other department members participating in a reappointment, tenure, and/or promotion review each submit a confidential individual letter to the Dean of the College (via email to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs) expressing their views of the case
February 12
- Deadline for spring submission of General Research Fund grant proposals exceeding $1,000, and spring submission of Sontag Fellowship proposals, both via SM Apply
February 21
- Deadline for submission of proposals to propose or modify majors/minors to the Curriculum Committee
March 6
- Faculty Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Edmunds Ballroom
March 13
- Chairs’ Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Smith Campus Center 208
- Last day for students to drop a course
March 17 - 21
- Spring break
- Program coordinators must inform the FPAC between spring break and September 1 if they intend to submit a proposal to convert the program into a department
March 28
- Deadline for submission of temporary faculty evaluations to Associate Dean De Pace
March 28
- César Chávez Day observed (staff and instructional holiday)
April 1
- Faculty Position Advisory Committee submits recommendations for faculty positions to the Dean of the College and the President
April 3
- Faculty Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Edmunds Ballroom
April 4
- Deadline for application for Wig Curriculum Development Grants
April 17
- Chairs’ Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Smith Campus Center 208
April 18
- Deadline for students to withdraw from classes voluntarily
- Deadline for students to choose credit/no credit grading option
- Deadline to sign student promissory notes
- Deadline for submission of teaching evaluation form proposals to the Dean’s Office
April 22 – 25
- Pre-enrollment for fall 2025 semester
April 23 – May 7
- Administration of teaching evaluations in all classes taught by all faculty
Late April
- Nominations for prizes at Class Day and commencement due to Grants Administrator Andy Schuster
- Departments to submit their list of student awards to Grants Administrator Andy Schuster
Early to mid-May
- Suggestion: begin to solicit letters from external reviewers for fall FPC reviews, with no later than August 1 deadline
May 1
- Suggested outside reviewer names and letter-of-information names are due from candidates to chairs for Fall Faculty Personnel Committee reviews
- Hourly staff have the option to set performance goals for the year. Chairs and coordinators should check with administrative support staff who their direct reports are to discuss goals for the upcoming year
- Conduct performance evaluation via WorkDay for hourly staff and direct reports by May 1
May 1 – 4
- Alumni Weekend
May 5 – 7
- Meetings of the Cabinet to act on presidential nominations for promotion to professor, tenure, contract renewal, and other spring reviews, 4:15 – 6:00 pm, Smith Campus Center 208
May 6
- Suggested deadline for soliciting letters of evaluation from students for candidates up for Fall FPC review
May 8
- Faculty Meeting, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Edmunds Ballroom
May 8 – 9
- Reading Days
May 9
- Senior grades due to Registrar by noon
May 12 – 16
- Final exams
May 15
- Extended Faculty Meeting, 9:00 – 11:00 am, Edmunds Ballroom
- Pomona College Board of Trustees meeting (on campus); action on presidential nominations for promotion to professor, tenure, and contract renewal
May 16
- Spring semester ends
May 17
- Residence halls close for non-graduating students at noon
May 18
- Commencement
May 19
- Residence halls close at noon
May 22
- All grades for non-graduating students must be submitted by noon
May 26
- Memorial Day observed (staff holiday)
June 1
- Publications and related items for examination by the outside reviewers are due from candidates to chairs for fall Faculty Personnel Committee reviews
- Deadline to submit departmental assessment chair’s reports on first-year faculty to Dean of the College
June TBD
- Deadline to submit requests for 2024-25 fiscal year reimbursement and/or expense transfers to the office of the Dean of the College
June 19
- Juneteenth observed (staff holiday)
June 30
- Deadline to submit annual report to Dean of the College
- Fiscal year ends; 2024-25 departmental accounts close
July 1
- New appointments begin
- Beginning of new fiscal year
July 4
- Independence Day observed (staff holiday)